Interested in teaching Spanish to your children?
No es muy difícil.
It isn’t very difficult.
Spanish is actually one of the easiest languages to learn. It is very phonetic, the grammar is fairly simple, and some of the vocabulary words are similar to English words.
While it is always nice to have a well-developed, prepackaged curriculum for a foreign language, you can often use free online resources to get you started. These resources can also be very handy for learning extra vocabulary or providing extra grammar practice.
Below you’ll find links to sites that are useful for both teaching and learning Spanish. If you don’t speak Spanish yourself, you may want to spend a little time learning it first. Like any other school subject, getting a head start with learning can make it much easier for you to teach it. Plus, children will pick up on a language faster if there are other people in the household who are speaking it as well.
Resources for Learning and Teaching Spanish
Duolingo: A free online language learning course that currently offers Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese.
byki: This site has both free and paid options for learning Spanish plus four other languages. This is an excellent site for teaching Spanish. It has pronunciation, verb drills, grammar, vocabulary and more.
Learning Chocolate: While the name sounds tasty, this site is actually about learning vocabulary in different languages including Spanish.
Spanish Bookworld: Maria Fernandez offers an online Spanish course for all ages that includes dialog, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and more. Speekee offers free and paid options for helping children learning Spanish. It has videos of native speakers and online activities to help children learn vocabulary and phrases.
123 Teach Me: This site has a lot to offer including Spanish for Kids, Phrase of the Day, a Spanish course, worksheets, games, and more.
Mis Cositas: You can find thematic units, worksheets, videos, Spanish picture books and more on Mis Cositas.
Senor Wooly: Has humorous Spanish music, videos, and games geared towards middle school and high school students. Offers both free and paid resources. Offers both free and paid resources for helping children learn Spanish.
Online Free Spanish: Free online Spanish lessons for children. Offers activities by category for teaching Spanish vocabulary.
Lingolex: This site has vocabulary lists and explanations about Spanish grammar.
Spanish4Teachers: This website has plenty of lesson plans, worksheets, and other resources for teaching Spanish.
Teaching Ideas: The Spanish section of Teaching Ideas offers a variety of printables for teaching vocabulary, phrases, and culture.
Spanish Town: This site has free printables and online learning activities. It includes a Spanish for Kids section.
Uebersetzung: This site has more than a hundred Spanish tongue twisters or “trabalenguas.”
Spanish Boat: Students can learn Spanish vocabulary and grammar on this site.
I hope these links gave you plenty of resources for teaching Spanish to your children. Feel free to share this page with others who want to learn or teach Spanish too.
More help on this site with learning Spanish:
- Language-Learning Apps for Learning Multiple Languages
- Tips for Homeschooling Spanish
- Where to Get Spanish Language Homeschool Curriculum
- Free Cinco de Mayo Coloring Pages (In the Membership Area)
Hi Susan,
I discovered your website through Twitter and am very pleased I did.
I am adding your site to mt list of resources.
H.O.P.E. Home School Consulting
Thanks Angie! I bookmarked your site. It looks like it has a lot of helpful resources.
Spanish has been a so hard for me! My boys are always asking me how to say things in Spanish and I don’t have a clue. Thanks for the list!
I’m glad it helps you. Here’s a tip on how to pronounce at least the vowels in Spanish. Each vowel makes only one sound (unlike English). The ‘A’ always makes the ‘ah’ sound like in ‘father.’ The ‘E’ always makes the long ‘ay’ sound like in ‘hey.’ The ‘I’ always makes the ‘ee’ sound like in ‘machine.’ The ‘O’ always makes the long ‘oh’ sound like in ‘boat.’ The ‘U’ always make the ‘oo’ sound like in ‘tube.’ That should get you started. One or more of these sites should also have pronunciation guides. I hope you and your boys have fun with learning Spanish!