If stargazing is a hobby of yours, or if it is something you want to teach to others, you may be happy to find out that there are numerous astronomy resources on the web.
These resources include everything from beautiful pictures and videos to lessons and guides for stargazers of all ability levels.
Below is a list of these helpful resources. As a bonus, you’ll also find some links to printables such as mini-books, word puzzles, and coloring pages about our solar system that your children may enjoy.
Happy stargazing!
Astronomy Resources
StarDate: Guides, lessons, and activities related to astronomy are found here.
KidsAstronomy: This kid-friendly site has lots of games and resources for learning about astronomy.
Teach Astronomy: This site is a learning tool for teaching astronomy.
Space.com: This well-known site about space is full of news articles, videos, and more.
Heavens Above: This site has lots of astronomical resources including a sky chart, information on the moon and planets, a satellite database, and more. (Not to mention the fact that it has an awesome name. )
HubbleSite: This site has pictures, videos, and news related to the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Planetary Society: You’ll find a resource library, a kid section, space images, an astronomy course, and plenty more resources on this website.
National Geographic: This portion of the National Geographic site is all about space.
Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer: See current and previous episodes of Star Gazer on Jack’s site.
Kids Cosmos: This child-friendly site has lots of information on the stars, moon, planets, and more.
Space Audio: Hear space-related sounds on this website hosted by the University of Iowa.
Star Child: Kids can learn all about astronomy here.
NASA: You can see Hubble space pictures, learn about missions, watch videos, and much, much more on the NASA site.
Space Wander: You can take a virtual trip through space on Spacewander.com.
MetaPlanets: See 3D interactive models of the planets along with facts and other resources.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Get news, see pictures, watch videos, and more on this site.
IOP: The Institute of Physics has astronomy and space videos for your enjoyment.
Science Spot: This page has links to astronomy printables and lessons.
Sky and Telescope: This portion of the Sky and Telescope website has a list of resources for educators.
Enchanted Learning: As always, Enchanted Learning has some wonderful printables for teaching this topic.
Montessori Nature: Get full-color space-themed printables on this page.
3 Boys and a Dog: This site isn’t just about kids and pets. You’ll find free solar system activities and printables here.
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Get a printable book about the solar system and more on this site.
JumpStart: You’ll find solar system worksheets and other printables on the JumpStart website.
Coloring Castle: This page has planet and solar system coloring pages for kids.
Classroom Jr.: Get a mini-book and word puzzles on this page.
Gifted Geek – The Gifted Geek has a free introductory guide to astronomy for kids.
Did you find the astronomy resources that you were looking for?
I hope you did, and I hope you share this list with others of your kind that are inclined to seek out new life in the heavens above.
More help on this site for teaching astronomy:
- Educational Solar System Apps for Kids
- Solar System Apps for All Ages
- Where to Get Homeschool Astronomy Curriculum for Your High School Student
- Where to Get an Inexpensive Telescope for Your Homeschool
- YouTube Playlists About the Constellations for Kids
- YouTube Playlists About Outer Space for Kids
- Astronomy YouTube Channels for Learning About Space
- Free Printable Star Charts (In the Membership Area)