Do you know the difference between unschooling and deschooling? Or notebooking and lapbooking?
Homeschool terminology can sometimes be confusing, especially for beginners. For that reason, I thought I’d find you some blog posts that have lists of homeschool terms and their definitions so that you can look up those funny words as you come across them in your reading.
I found a few sources which I have listed below.
Why more than one source?
Because everyone learns differently and reading more than one definition might give you an even better understanding of a particular term.
But enough about that. Here’s the list.
Homeschool Terminology
Homeschool Glossary on Time4Learning – This is a glossary of homeschool terms organized alphabetically.
Homeschool Terminology on Well Planned Gal – Rebecca has organized her definitions into helpful categories.
Terminology on Crossing Over to Homeschooling – This collection of homeschool terms is in alphabetical order.
Did you learn what you needed to know from these posts with homeschool terminology? If you did and you know of someone else who could learn from these, feel free to share this post with them.