Welcome to Learning Online Blog, the site designed to help you find the resources, tips, and deals you need to successfully homeschool your children.
Who Am I?
My name is Susan Brown and I am a former teacher and homeschooler. I started homeschooling my children as a single mom in the early 2000’s. When it became too costly for me to do it, I enrolled them in a virtual school because, at that time, there weren’t the free and inexpensive resources available that you can find on the web today. My oldest daughter graduated from the virtual school with honors. I went back to homeschooling my youngest daughter halfway through her junior year so that she could take college courses online.
When my daughters grew up, I wondered what I should do with my life. God told me that I should help homeschoolers with this site, and with the curriculum and resources I publish on Warm Hearts Publishing. So I completely redid Learning Online Blog and set it up with directories and new blog posts that have resources, tips, and deals that will make it easier for you to homeschool.
How to Use This Site
It is very important to me that I make it easy to find what you need on this site. That way if you are doing a lesson on states of matter, setting up a unit study on the solar system, looking for tips on using the Charlotte Mason method, or trying to find discounts on homeschool products; you can locate what you need on this site easily and quickly. Note that this is a growing site. It will take me time to create blog posts on all of the different topics used in homeschooling, so I suggest that you check back here frequently or subscribe to my weekly newsletter to stay up to date on new posts. If you subscribe here, you’ll get my Mega Math Learning Pack free.
I have set up four ways for you to find what you need on this site.
1. Directories
In the sidebar on the right, you’ll see images for the six directories on Learning Online Blog. Click on one to visit that directory. These directories are designed to help you find what you need by type. Here’s a rundown of the purpose of each directory.
The Ultimate Directory of Homeschool Deals
Want to save money on homeschool curriculum, products for your home, or resources for your homeschool blog or business? This easy-to-navigate page has deals from your favorite companies sorted by category. This page changes almost daily, so you’ll want to visit it frequently to see what discounts are currently available.
The Ultimate Directory of Educational Apps
Find apps to support your homeschool curriculum sorted by subject in this directory. Simply click on a link and you’ll be taken to the blog post that has a list of iOS and Android apps under that topic.
The Ultimate Directory of Homeschool Tips
Looking for tips and ideas to help you homeschool? I’ve taken the time to find you articles with quality tips by topic. I do my best to select a just handful of helpful articles so that you won’t be overwhelmed with a large amount of material to read. Most of these articles have been written by other homeschool moms who know the joys and challenges of homeschooling.
The Ultimate Directory of Homeschool Resources
Find the curriculum and resources you need for your homeschool here. The posts in this directory have everything from products that teach specific topics to complete homeschool curriculum.
The Ultimate Directory of Educational Videos
Need a short video to show your kids the planets of the solar system? Looking for some songs that will help your family learn the state capitals? Check out the posts in this directory.
The Ultimate Directory of Free Educational Resources
Want some freebies to support or enhance your curriculum? You’ll find lists of free printables and online resources here.
2. Subjects
If you click on Subjects in the menu bar, it will open up a drop down menu for you. Click on one of the topics in this menu to check out the archives for that topic.
3. Related Links
In most blog posts on this site, you’ll find a list of related content near the bottom. This will make it easier to find all of the tips and resources you need on a specific topic.
4. Search Tool
Search for specific topics by using the search tool located in the header of this site.
How to Submit Something to This Site
Do you have a resource, tip, or deal to submit to Learning Online Blog? You’ll find a submission button at the bottom of most of the blog posts on this site. Click on it to be taken to a submission form that you can fill out. Please read the description at the top of each form for details as to what is accepted. Note that submissions are for specific blog posts on this site, NOT directories, with the exception of the Deals directory. Submission forms can also be found in the footer of this site.
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Keep up with recent posts, news and deals in social media.
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